
Brynnie Ballerina Goes to Kindergarten

We read the books. We talked and prepared for all that was going to happen. We met the teacher. She just knew that she was ready for it.
But I can't say that I was all that surprised this morning when she tip-toed into our bedroom to find me. She hugged herself and quietly said, "Mommy, I just don't think I'm ready for Kindergarten. My tummy hurts too much." She was a bundle of nerves.
So, we climbed into bed to snuggle up, take a few deep breaths, and try to find our calm. We talked about how first days are always a little scary because you don't always know what to expect, but that they were usually about making new friends and learning new things. We talked about her first day of preschool and how she ended up with so many friends and great teachers who were once strangers. That was all it took to get her back on track. She still didn't eat much breakfast, but she was more than ready to put on her uniform and pack everything into the car.
I thought I was ready too. I read all of the books to her. I prepared the school supplies. I pulled out my dusty DSLR and readied it for the big day. We were listening to all of her favorite songs on the way, when I realized that I was full-blown sobbing (silently) behind the wheel to the beat of Shakira's "Try Everything".... Luckily, I pulled myself together before we were in the throes of car line.

Luc was so excited for Sissy to go to "Sindagarden"

Of course, most of my cathartic moments went into making a video of all of the wonderful memories we have with our first baby girl. Here is a glimpse of our little apple's journey from bump to Kindergarten.

Wishing all of the other mommies and daddies and babies a great first day of school.

1 comment:

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